Last Thursday (23/6/2016) Daily Mirror’s cartoon reflects many a citizen’s feelings – President Maithripala dropping the flag of Yahapalanaya and walking away.
Nothing much has changed, has it? The Cabinet is top heavy as it was and more being added at the drop of the hat. The politicians are as unruly and thuggish even inside the parliament – especially inside the parliament. All the so called corruption cases – even murder cases are taking years to solve – if they are to be solved at all. All the culprits who were shivering in their boots when the President waxed eloquent on the Presidential election platform are in the parliament with extra fringe benefits to boot!
When the floods hit not a single parliamentarian visited the victims immediately, but made a mockery of the situation by visiting them wearing life vests after the floods have subsided. They as usual, were thumbing their noses at the voters, indicating that their lives are more precious than the voters’!
To top it all, not a single politician objected duty free cars for their clan specially at a time when thousands were just hit by floods and were suffering having lost everything except the clothes on their back. The callous attitude of the politicians was disgusting – what was the indecent hurry to get the cars? Couldn’t they wait at least for a month or two to bring this motion? The sheer insensitivity of the politicians was only enhanced by the absolute silence of the President regarding this matter.
Still the only way to attract attention of the higher ups seem to be riots and parades. Hate speech is spewing out from Gnanasara and the deafening silence from the law makers - in spite of his speech having gone viral and many even having lodged complaints with the police - bring a painful de ja vu feeling. Muslim politicians, in spite of the fact that there is no more tyranny, have not thought it prudent to curb this menace in the bud.
O, the list goes on and on. Palanaya yanne parana parey!