Only the people can solve issues - Basheer Segu Dawood


BY Mirudhula Thambiah (CT)
Former Chairman of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) Basheer Segu Dawood commenting on his suspension from the high command said, "I was not issued any official letter by the hierarchy. I was suspended from the chairmanship of Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) but I'm still a member of the SLMC but not in the high command" He further added, "I always believed only the people can solve issues and they have the power to deliver justice. There had been members in the past who appealed to Courts and the SLMC dealt politically. There are some corrupt members in the party; they even direct the leadership to solve issues politically"

Following are excerpts of the interview:

?: SLMC High Command has suspended your chairmanship of the party. What is your explanation?

A: This action is a reflection of their inability. Some high command members have been with the leadership despite knowing that they are not working in order and that fraudulent activities are taking place. When I had the knowledge of the anomalies at Darus Salam, I sent a confidential letter to the leadership giving them sufficient time to respond. Subsequently, I extended the time prior to going before the people and raising my voice, but some unknown entity had gone and further investigated the matter thoroughly and published a book 'Suppressed Facts of Darus Salam' with documentary evidence. People who are facing allegations in this regard have a right to put forward their defence or prove it. I presume they are on a witch hunt. The high command of our party has number of members who follow the doctrines of the Islamic faith and the principles of our founder A.H.M. Ashraff, they too have been victims of open voting tactics. Had there been a secret ballot with regard to my suspension, I wonder how many would have voted for it. I have been accused of making media statements with regards to the party; I would like to make it clear that I have not done anything detrimental to the party, except some references made to point out the needs and concerns of the people. I will continue the process to clean up the party. I will feel satisfied on finding a solution. When the issues are solved I will be satisfied of delivering my duty to the nation, the community, society and the SLMC.

I firmly believe that on the Day of Judgment I will stand tall and hope if I ever happen to be, our great leader Ashraff would tap me on my shoulder and say 'Well done'.

?: Were you informed in writing by the party hierarchy of your suspension, if not, how did they inform?

A: I was not issued any official letter from the hierarchy. I was suspended from the chairmanship of SLMC. I'm still a member of the SLMC but not the high command.

Their main claim was that my media reports are against the party. I took certain steps, some action to clean up the SLMC. My initial attempt was that I raised questions regarding the headquarters of our party 'Darus Salaam' and other ownership and properties of the SLMC.

At the same time I raised my voice against members, those who acted against the SLMC constitution and the Islamic Sharia. I took the stand that the SLMC was functioning against the aspirations of the Muslim community, especially in the East.

My main concern was to protect the rights of Muslims, thus I realized some members were acting against the aim of our party.
Since the leadership failed to reply my concerns, I began to fight against these issues through the media from the year 2010. It has been about seven years, since, I went public and told the media of my criticism and now purposely they have taken steps to suspend me from party's chairmanship.

There had been members in the high command who have been creating chaos over my claim for some time. On 4 February when the high command scheduled the meeting, the agenda did not include any discussion over my issue.

However, I was not in a position to participate in the high command meeting as I had to participate at a discussion in Batticaloa related to the contribution of the minority community towards independence. I even sent an excuse letter to the high command, prior to the meeting, explaining the reasons for my absence.Those who were antagonizing me had used my absence as an excuse to act against me. I also understand that the high command members have already discussed to suspend me from the chairmanship. I was informed by certain members, who were at that meeting, that the high command did not stick to the agenda but only discussed me in my absence. There are 90 high command members and 70 participated at the meeting held on 4 February at Darus Salaam.

?: Did you ever make any attempt to initiate any sort of dialogue with your leadership regarding the issues? What was the outcome?

A: I have already discussed about Darus Salaam and other issues that I had observed. I first tried to initiate a discussion with Leader Rauff Hakeem and then with the high command. However, when I raised the issue with the high command, certain members shouted me down and disturbed and preventing me from addressing the meeting. Therefore, I gradually lost the opportunities to discuss these issues within the party. Following these in addressing the problems within the party, I wrote a couple of letters to the party leadership.

However, I was disappointed by his response as he did not make any attempt to reply to my letters as the chairman of the party.
I did have policy related contradictions with the leadership. He had contradicted the basic rules of the SLMC constitution.

The SLMC schedules three types of high command meetings, monthly high command, special high command and mandatory high command (annually). We usually make amendments to the constitution at the mandatory high command. During the recent mandatory high command they amended the constitution reducing the power of the Secretary General.

According to the new amendment the leader was able to appoint the secretary general and even remove him. This lead to a dictatorial pattern; where the leader became more powerful.

SLMC had given power to only two positions in the party, the leader and the Secretary General. Through the recent amendment all powers began to vest in the leader and it turned out to be a one man show.

A letter endorsed by the leader of our party had been sent to the Elections' Commissioner that was contradictory to the amendments taken at the last mandatory high command.

Therefore, I believed I should raise these issues through the media as I was not given a chance to raise it within the party.

?: Would you take any action with regard to the suspension?

A: I always believed only the people can solve issues and they have the power to deliver justice. There had been members in the past who have appealed to Courts and the SLMC deals with those politically. There are some corrupted members of the party who even direct the leadership to deal with them politically.

Ordinary members are the strength of the SLMC. Those at the grassroot level are the actual members of the SLMC - fishermen, farmers and lower income earners. These members tend to believe the political stances taken by the high command. Therefore rather than appealing to Courts it is suitable to reach among the grassroot level members and supporters and explain to them the situation. It will be a long process but we can fight it.

Due to the suspension, I will not be able to participate at the high command meetings but I will remain as the member of SLMC.

?: What would be the next step?

A: Following the suspension, the high command should send me an official letter. With reference to the letter I should be called for a disciplinary inquiry. However, I'm yet to receive the letter.

If they form a disciplinary committee I will prove my stand and I will explain the 15-year history of the SLMC and the current contradictions. Many in the party should be called before the disciplinary committee before me.

?: It is being said that a North-East merger will strengthen the representation of the Tamil speaking people (Tamils and Muslims). What would be the situation if the Muslims disagree to this proposal?

A: Majority Tamil representatives should satisfy the Muslim community by promising in writing that Muslims will not be discriminated and treated equally. However, there will be no sudden positive outcome in merging the North and East. It will take time and both Muslim and Tamil representatives should set up a dialogue in this regard and decide later.

?: What would be your stand in finding a political solution to the minority communities of this country?

A: Our founder leader Ashraff was of the stand that a political solution must be met through a North-East merger. A separate unit should be declared for the Muslims in this procedure. This was the initial aim of the SLMC and I'm still working towards this idea.

?: What is your stand on repealing Muslim Personal Law?

A: It is understood that certain changes are being made for the betterment. I believe as far as the changes do not contradict the main concepts then it will not be a problem. There had been a committee appointed to look into this matter and we have to wait and watch the results.

?: How do Muslims in the East feel about the Government of Good Governance?

A: This government came to power by promising to solve the issues of the Muslims, but now the people are fed up with the situation in the country. Although, there are certain issues which the government had addressed, unfortunately most issues remain, and are similar to how they were handled by the former government.
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