Trump’s travel ban on Muslims drew worldwide condemnation


Latheef Farook
Corrupt Arab Dictators line up to kiss Trump’s feet
Ten days after assuming office, the newly elected president of United States of America Donald Trump issued an executive order on Friday 27 January 2017 imposing travel ban to US for nationals from seven Muslim countries for 90 days.
These include Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen-Muslim countries which America   bombed, destroyed, massacred people and committed war crimes on innocent Muslims on an unprecedented scale. Trump doesn't hold any business interests in any of these countries.
The order which included immediate four-month halt on the U.S. refugee resettlement meant that some U.S. green card holders had their visas denied upon arrival at U.S. airports, and put them in line for deportation back to the countries they had just left.
However some Muslim countries, shameless American stooges, such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Egypt, Indonesia and Azerbaijan were spared from the order's blacklist, even though they were accused of having deep-seated ties to terrorism.  In all these countries President Trump has huge business interests.
The immediate response to travel ban was wave of mass protests at international airport terminals in major cities around US, forcing President Trump to say that the “order was not a ban of Muslims but about terror and keeping America safe”.
The reason given for this order was that these seven Muslim countries remain source of terror though not a single American was killed on U.S. soil by citizens from any of those countries during the 40 year period between 1975 and 2015.
Instead these seven countries were victims of US led European war against them.  The international community should impose travel ban on US.UK. France, Russian and Israel, godfather of terrorism in the Middle East, as they are the sole sources of terror and war crimes. Under the guise of fighting Zionist sponsored war on terrorism these five countries have falsely demonized Islam and Muslims as terrorists and turned Middle East into killing fields. So far more than four million innocent Muslims were killed.
The abrupt implementation of Trump’s ban, indefinitely ending the Syrian refugee program, has created a sense of chaos and confusion across US.  A senior Department of Homeland Security official told NBC News that “Nobody has any idea what is going on”.
Brooklyn-based Judge Donnelly issued an emergency stay against the implementation of President Trump’s executive order to ban all immigrants from 7 Muslim-majority countries. The emergency stay halts this order on a national level.
Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said “tears are running down the cheeks of the Statue of Liberty tonight” upon learning of the order. “This is one of the most backward and nasty executive orders that the President has issued,” he added.
Calling for immediate lifting of the travel ban the United Nations Chief Antonio Guterres said “travel ban is not the best way to protect America from terrorists and can spread “anxiety and anger. This ban should be lifted sooner rather than later”.
Actress and human rights advocate Angelina Jolie said travel ban order hurts vulnerable refugees and could fuel extremism.  Jolie, who has served as a special envoy for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said in a New York Times opinion piece that discriminating based on religion was “playing with fire.”
Even Indian actress Priyanka Chopra, also UNICEF’s global Goodwill Ambassador, described   travel ban on Muslims as a "political witch hunt" -- has deeply affected her.
According to a NEWSWEEK report by Robert Kahan the travel ban on  Muslims could cost America $66 Billion a year and as many as 132,000 jobs could be lost too.
While people from all walk of life from all corners of the world condemn Trump’s travel ban order ,Arab dictators, installed in power and protected by  UK, France ,American and Russia started lining up to kiss the feet of  President Trump. They have no sense of shame or feeling for their own people .They are only keen on safeguarding their billions of dollars of   their nations’ robbed wealth invested in US and European countries.
anti trump
For example to please President Trump, Kuwait’s autocratic regime imposed travel ban on five Muslim countries including Pakistan. UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdulla Bin Zayed described Trump’s travel ban as “not anti-Islam”. This did not surprise anyone because UAE has aligned itself with US led war mongers against Islam and Muslims .It is busy   with its unholy honeymoon with US, Zionist Jews and RSS Hindu fascists-sworn enemies of Islam and Muslims.

It is common knowledge that Saudi tribal Bedouin racists cannot survive even for a week without the US support .Thus the need for Saudi head choppers to side with America despite its atrocities on Muslims. After all Saudi rulers have private investment of around $ 800 billion in US.
However Canadians have shown the world what solidarity with Muslims looks like in a big way. Thousands of Canadians, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Quebec politicians, paid their respects on Thursday 2 February 2017 to three of the six men killed- Khaled Belkacemi, Abdelkrim Hassane and Aboubaker Thabti- by a white supremacist terrorist while they prayed in a mosque in Quebec City.
Trudeau's speech focused on solidarity between Canadians in the face of the vicious attack. "Our country was united and it is an entire country that is joining the families of the victims." Trudeau said.  
"Together, we will rise from this darkness stronger, more unified, than ever before," he said. Unity and solidarity was the message promoted by all those who eulogized the victims.
“I want to tell Muslim Quebecers: you’re at home here; we are all Quebecers,”  said Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard ."We feel your pain, we share your pain. When one of us suffers, we all do," he said.
"Through death, these brave men … united people from different nationalities, colours, genders and religions," Chayma BenHaj, who presided over the funeral, said. "They united all of Canada."
No dictator in any Muslim country ever demonstrated such solidarity with Muslims. They are only hell bent on safeguarding their power, looted wealth and comforts. They shamelessly align with anyone to ensure this.
Judging from President Trump’s appointment of pro-Israeli Jews to key positions in his administration and the powerful Jewish strong hold on the government together with Trump’s blind support to Israel despite all its war crimes one could conclude that America is taken over   by Zionist Jewish lobbies.
This proved the warning of   founding father of America Benjamin Franklin who cautioned as early as second half of 18th century of the indiscriminate migration of Jews to United States- a nation of immigrants which made America a great melting pot of culture.
Here is what Benjamin Franklin said from the written records of CHARLES PINCKNEY of South Carolina, of the proceedings during the drafting of the Constitution in 1789 concerning the statement of BENJAMIN FRANKLIN at the convention concerning Jewish immigration. (Original in the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia.)
"There is a great danger for the US. That great danger is the Jew. Gentlemen, in whichever land the Jews have settled, they have depressed the moral level and lowered the degree of commercial honesty. They have created a State within a State, and when they are opposed, they attempted to strangle the nation financially as in the case of Portugal and Spain."
"For more than 1700 years they have lamented their sorrowful fate, namely that they were driven out of the motherland; but gentlemen, if the civilized world today should give them back Palestine as their property, they would immediately find pressing reasons for not returning there. Why? Because they are vampires and cannot live on other vampires. They cannot live among themselves. They must live among Christians and others who do not belong to their race."
"If they are not excluded from the United States by the Constitution, within less than a hundred years they will stream into our country in such numbers that they will rule and destroy us, and change our form of government for which Americans have shed their blood and sacrificed life, property and personal freedom. If the Jews are not excluded, within 200 years our children will be working in the fields to feed the Jews, while they remain in the Counting House gleefully rubbing their hands." 
"I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not exclude the Jew forever, your children`s children will curse you in your grave." "Their ideas are not those of Americans. The leopard cannot change his spots. The Jews are a danger to this land, and if they are allowed to enter, they will imperil its institutions." "They should be excluded by the Constitution."
It appears Benjamin Franklin’s prediction and warning has come right.

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