Yahapalanaya lapses – Is Mahinda the option for Muslims?

Yahapalanaya lapses – Is Mahinda the option for Muslims?

Former Minister, Speaker and Premadasa/Rajapaksa loyalist and National List nominee Parliamentarian A.H.M. Azwer along with a few other Muslim Mahinda diehards claim that Yahapalanaya under President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has betrayed the minorities, especially the Muslim community. I have no reason to disagree and fully subscribe to their opinion, but I also totally disagree with their proposal that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa is the option for the Muslims.

Mahinda Rajapaksa, from 2009 to 2015, was seen as not a minority friendly President and was not willing to address minority grievances. His total disregard of minorities had nothing to do with the war victory, which was supported by the majority of Sri Lankans including the Muslims. Today, in the continued racist agenda, the Muslim community has become the ‘girayata ahuwetchcha puwak gediya’.

Where were these SLFP Muslim warriors during the period 2005 to 2015? Where were they when Aluthgama burned? Here, a Muslim woman surveys the destruction – File photo/Thyagi Ruwanpathirana


Azwer claims that there are 38 complaints by Muslims against damages to their mosques, harassment and threats that have been recorded during the last two years of Yahapalanaya, (agreed), but fails to mention the 538 incidents between 2013 and January 2015 under the Mahinda Rajapaksa presidency which have been documented by the Secretariat for Muslims, a well-recognised civil society initiative of the Muslims, set up to provide technical assistance in research and advocacy for policy and legislative reform.

Azwer highlights the shabby treatment meted out to the 21 Parliamentarians by President Sirisena when they signed a Muslim Council petition demanding action against Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thero for insulting Almighty Allah, but does not remember the treatment given by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to the 18 MPs who flew to Badulla to demand action against the Buddhist extremism and the Aluthgama violence.

He probably doesn’t even remember that he and Abdul Cader of Kandy were the only two Muslim Parliamentarians who did not sign the petition demanding action against the Aluthgama violence. Regretfully, the Muslim political leadership has very short memories. When elections come, it is the winning wagon they board.

Mahinda is known even to have used strong-arm tactics to close down mosques, the Mahiyangana and Grandpass ones being good examples. Where were these SLFP Muslim warriors during the period 2005 to 2015? Where were they when Aluthgama burned?

Even though Fashion Bug is a commercial entity, Buddhist extremists backed by monks burnt down their main stores and warehouse. When pressure was brought on to arrest the Buddhist monks and arsonists, Mahinda Rajapaksa is rumoured to have called the Fashion Bug owners and said “You’ll have many other branches across the country, do you think they will be secure if you go to the Police and get the monks arrested?”

Mahinda Rajapaksa’s racist approach

From the time Mahinda Rajapaksa was elected in November 2005, the majority in the minority communities did not see him as the President of the entire nation. The population of the Northern Province was disenfranchised in 2005 with the support of LTTE fanatic Velupillai Prabhakaran with a 600 million cash bribe. The majority of them would have voted for Ranil Wickremesinghe and elected him the President.

Mahinda Rajapaksa’s racist approach to alienate the minorities and appease the Sinhala Buddhists was evident early on during his presidency. His Sinhala chauvinism and military approach to end the war brought him great support amongst the Sinhala Buddhist community. He also generated considerable support from the Muslims towards his efforts at ending the terror of Velupillai Prabhakaran, due to the LTTE harassment and eviction of the Northern Muslims. This led to the unprecedented mandate he received at the 2010 presidential elections.


"In the coming months, Sri Lanka is predicted to face the worst-ever drought since 1948, but I see a much bigger threat to the stability of the nation with imminent political divorces and new partners living together. It is time that the political leaders sat together and decide either to continue the marriage or go for an immediate divorce before the next Local Government elections. That would give the country an opportunity to send a strong signal as to who should continue till 2020"

This victory probably made him believe that he did not need the minorities to get elected to the presidency which he wanted to contest for a third term by changing the Constitution. It was a fatal miscalculation that sent him home to Medamulana in Weeraketiya in January 2015. Now he is attempting to appease the minority voters and stage a comeback to take over as the Prime Minister.

Towards this strategy, there seems to be many actors at play, and there is a strong suspicion that President Maithripala Sirisena may have been coaxed into believing in a fairytale ‘wedding’ where the former SLFPers could form a Government, ousting Ranil Wickremesinghe for the second time by a SLFP conspiracy. President Sirisena may become a willing stakeholder to save his skin from the humiliation of a defeat at future elections if he contested under 13-Hilmythe SLFP and Mahinda Rajapaksa takes the saddle of a new coalition.

It is true that President Sirisena has elevated the racist hate-mongering leader of the Bodu Bala Sena, Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thero on par with the most respected Mahanayakes of Asgiriya and Malwatte Chapters, a folly he was tricked into supposedly by Justice and Buddha Sasana Minister Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, who probably did it to win over his Sinhala Buddhist Maharagama/Homagama voters.

The extreme racism of the Rajapaksa administration and the impunity offered to the terror groups will not fade away from the minds of the Muslims for a long time. A few, who have not been able to join the Yahapalanaya bandwagon may band together to whitewash Rajapaksa crimes, but the Muslim community is in no mood to forgive them.

The Muslims of Sri Lanka

The Muslims of Sri Lanka have been sandwiched between the Sinhala majority and the Tamil community. During the 30-year-old ethnic conflict, the majority of the Muslims supported the Government and paid a heavy price. Many were murdered including 147, who were gunned down while praying Isha or the late evening prayers at the Kathankudy Jumma mosque.

The entire population of the Northern Province was forcibly evicted. Some were given only two hours’ notice and the rest 24 hours. They left with a mere Rs. 500 and no personal belongings except a few documents. They languished in refugee camps in Puttalam and other parts of the country for over 22 years.

Azwer is correct when he says that he supported the IDPs when they arrived in Puttalam. It was not just him but there were thousands who supported these unfortunate innocent victims of LTTE terror. They paid this price because they refused to support the Eelam quest of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).

Some Buddhist extremists and misguided environmentalists are now terrorising them. They claim that the former lands of the Muslims, which they abandoned due to their eviction, belong to the Wilpattu National Park, where its boundaries are now being extended to include the lands of the IDPs for which they have deeds and Government permits dating back a hundred years. What a travesty of justice.

The Gota factor

I am going to have my entire Muslim community firing all guns at me when I say, “Gota probably was not a racist”. He has been accused of being the creator of the monstrous Bodu Bala Sena (BBS). The labelling came because he provided impunity to the racist extremists and also inaugurated the short-lived Bodu Bala Sena office in Galle.

I strongly believe that he willingly wore that hat to defend his brother Mahinda Rajapaksa, who probably was the one fully behind the BBS and the extremism and racism experienced by the minorities after the end of the war in 2009.

I had the privilege of asking the former Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa as to why he went for the opening of the Galle office of Bodu Bala Sena. His answer was simple and spontaneous. He said that Venerable Kirana Vimalajothi was their family priest from Weeraketiya. One day, he had come with Milinda Moragoda and had asked him to open a Buddhist Centre in Galle. He hadn’t known that it was a BBS Centre. As a Buddhist, he did not see any harm in opening a Buddhist Centre.

If I remember right, he further said: “Please listen to my speech at the opening, I made it clear that all communities will have to live together, while practicing their different religions.” Having worked with him on the ‘Grease Yaka’ and Halal crisis, I have no reason to disbelieve Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

There are rumours that Gotabaya Rajapaksa will enter the fray at the next elections. There are also rumours that he will spend some time in China, studying international diplomacy. Are the Chinese grooming him for the top seat by taking him away to train him to rule? Their massive investments in this country would need to be protected, and what better way than to have one of the Rajapaksas?

I have mixed feelings of Gotabaya Rajapaksa taking the helm. I have great respect for his efficiency in delivering promises on development issues, but cannot say the same with regard to his iron-fisted approach. (He created clean cities in Colombo and the suburbs, which has today ‘gone back to the dogs’ or as my former Principal would have said, ‘Dogs have come to the city.’)

Continued marriage or divorce?

In the coming months, Sri Lanka is predicted to face the worst-ever drought since 1948, but I see a much bigger threat to the stability of the nation with imminent political divorces and new partners living together.

President Sirisena is causing a major rift by taking unilateral decisions, an example being the reduction of the lottery tickets to Rs. 20 after Ravi Karunanayake increased it to Rs. 30. If he were following the good governance principles, he would have asked Ravi to review and reduce without insulting the Minister of Finance through a unilateral declaration. This is not the first time the President has been lacking in tact and statecraft.

The UNP on the other hand has made enough blunders from the bond scam to the Volkswagen scandal. It is time that the political leaders sat together and decide either to continue the marriage or go for an immediate divorce before the next Local Government elections. That would give the country an opportunity to send a strong signal as to who should continue till 2020.