President Sirisena Simply Dismissed Muslims when he gazetted lands adjacent to Wilpattu.

President Sirisena Simply Dismissed Muslims when he gazetted lands adjacent to Wilpattu.

President Maithripla Sirisena’s Friday 24 March 2017 gazette notification, declaring nearly 100,000 acre lands adjacent to Wilpattu National Park as “  forest reserve”   has not surprised anyone as he has been pampering the very Sinhala racists whom he pledged to contain. In fact this has been racists wish and President Maithri has fulfilled it.
Muslims in the area fear that this Gazette covers their lands too.
The past two years had shown the Muslims that President Sirisena and his government have abandoned the island’ Muslims. Instead, contrary to all his election   pledges, he has been quite open in implementing Sinhala racists’ agenda.
The Gazette notification order was signed during President Sirisena’s official visit to Russia despite Muslims submitting documentary evidence to prove claims to their lands. Helpless Muslims in the area   were only trying to return to their lands to rebuild their lives. 
The lands involved were gazetted for what Forest Conservator General Anura Sathurasinghe described was to prevent further encroachment by people. 
Muslims are fed up with the so called Yahapalanaya government’s hypocrisy.   This gazette notification shows that President Sirisena is promoting Sinhala racist agenda against Muslims in the same way Rajapaksa regime promoted racist elements against Muslims.
In an article in January this year under the title President Sirisena’s order to extend Wilpattu National Park-Is it to please racists and deprive Muslims of their lands?  I highlighted the Muslims’ legitimate claims to their lands.  manna muslim
Here is the article;
President Maithripala Sirisena’s order on 30 December 2016 to issue a gazette notification extending the land area coming under the Wilpattu National Park has shocked the Muslims.  They fear that this announcement includes nearby villages such as Marichichukaddy, Karadikuli and Palaikkuli where Muslims lived for generations with valid title deeds before they kicked out by LTTE.
Muslims in the area pointed out that “we have not encroached even an inch of land in Wilpattu or anywhere else. We only wanted to return to our own lands and the allegation that Muslims   encroach Wilpattu National Park or destroying forests is calculated lie to prevent us from returning to our lands”.
They pointed out that relevant officials and all others involved are very well aware that these were Muslim villages and their dilapidated houses, schools ,mosques and other such structures still remain there. When they tried to return to their lands after the war in May 2009 racist elements created many controversies distorting facts giving ethnic twist to prevent them from returning to their lands.
A   six member team of academics led by Professor Shahul H. Hasbullah of Peradeniya University   prepared last year an extensive research document on the issue of Musali South Muslims returning to their lands under the title “Denying the Right to Return- Resettlement in Musali South and the Wilpattu Controversy. Their plea was “Help Us Return Home”. They appealed to all to help them return to their lands and homes with dignity   to end their more than three and half decade old sufferings. 
In his author’s note Prof Shahul H Hasbulla stated that; “When the “Wilpattu controversy” flared up, the turn of the debate surprised me. I knew for certain that the contested area in question was not located in Wilpattu. In a published newspaper article, I emphasized the issue of returnees, which in my view, is the crux of the matter. But the ongoing debate paid no attention to this issue. To the contrary, the public discourse continuously labelled returnees as ‘criminals’.
The bleak situation spurred me to take on the mission of uncovering the truth. I visited all corners of “Musali South” in order to get to know its history and its peoples, reflecting on the claims and counter claims of land ownership. I learned from the people who were paddy, chena and cattle farmers; sea, lagoon, river and tank fisher folk; teachers, religious dignitaries; men, women, young and children of all    religions.
According to our findings people have lived in the Musali Region for generations. They toiled on this land and roamed the region for various livelihood activities without any interruption, while keeping the tradition of protecting the forest and the environment. They are a part of the nature and culture of the region.  ”.
Muslims   sandwiched between successive governments   and the LTTE   suffered   immense and the plight of Musali South Muslims was no exception as they too were kicked by the TTE within two hours’ notice. They suffered in refugee camps and temporary shelters where they were longing for the day to return to their lands and resume their traditional life.
While Musali South Muslims were in refugee camps the Rajapaksa   Government had acquired major part of their traditional lands under various pretexts knowing very Well that the owners would claim this land once the ethnic war ends.
wilpattu mosqe
First around 40% of their traditional lands in the Musali South was acquired. This was followed by the acquisition of another 30 percent of their land without any consultation or consent to establish security Establishments. Added to this Muslims owned lands were acquired to establish a naval agricultural project. Furthermore a Navy Regional Commanding Office was established in two prominent villages and the Muslims were prevented from entering their own lands, dwellings and other properties. 
Thus  Musali South Muslims were deceived and deprived large extent of their traditional lands despite possessing genuine title deeds and permits.  
Judging from the subsequent anti Muslim campaign under Rajapaksa government aimed at virtually eliminating the Muslim community it is not difficult to now realize that Muslim owned Musali South lands were acquired to deliberately deprive them of their traditional lands.
It was under such circumstance came President Sirisena’s order to issue a gazette notification extending the land area coming under the Wilpattu National Park   and declare it a ‘Wildlife Zone’ .He told the officials to include all the adjacent forest areas of the Wilpattu National Park that presently does not coming under the Wildlife Department.
Muslims of the area point out that;
  • No Muslim driven out by the LTTE during the ethnic war ever entered the Wilpattu National Park or any other nearby area.
  • Wilpattu National Park is situated in the North Western and North Central provinces and all resettled areas belong to Mannar District
  • Southern border of  Mannar District is Moderagama River ( Upparu).Wilpattu National Park is located south Moderagama in the Puttalam District.
  • All resettled Muslim refugees who lived in their own land were resettled in the Mannar District
  • All these  resettled refugees have their own government issued annual permits , LDO permits and have their own private deeds which were given as early as 1905.
  • Mosque built in 1940 and renovated in 1970 is still there in dilapidated condition with its Minaret and date of construction written on its front wall.
  • There are tanks    supplying water to paddy fields built more than a century ago.
  • Those who went to resettle only tried to clear the jungle grown up during the 26 year period when they were in refugee camps.
Thus the unfortunate Muslims from these three Muslim villages Marichichukaddy, Karadaikuli, said that they did not encroach or do not want even an inch of land from Wilpattu or anywhere else. Their re settlement has nothing to do with Wilpattu National Park.
Muslims   asked the government   to facilitate their return. It was under such circumstance that President Sirisena signed on   Friday 24 March 2017, gazette notification declaring as “conservative forest” with immediate effect. 
According to Mr. Sathurusinghe following the gazette notification presidential and parliamentary approval will be needed to acquire or clear any land. He said entry will be restricted and entrance would only be allowed for educational or research purposes
Unfortunate Muslims remain deeply frustrated s they find no one to turn to. Will the so called Muslim parliamentarians come forward to ensure the rights of beleaguered Muslims or continue to kiss the feet of the power to ensure their positions and perks.
This gazette notification strikes at the very root of the government’s so called reconciliation efforts.