"Defeat Of President's Expenditure Head Will Be The End Of Current Govt.": Dayasiri Says UNP MPs Should Know Consequences Of Their Actions


SLFP General Secretary Dayasiri Jayasekera said the defeat of the President's Expenditure Head would be the end of the current government. 

Addressing a press conference at the SLFP headquarters in Colombo, Jayasekera said the UNP MPs who talk about defeating the President's Expenditure Head should know the consequences of their actions. 

Jayasekera also added that the current government would find it hard to pass its budget in Parliament as the UNP did not command a clear majority in Parliament. 

"The budget has given rise to many dreams. But it is doubtful whether the government can realize those dreams as they are not in a position to pass the budget in the House," he added. 

Several UNP MPs, including Mujiber Rahman, have threatened to defeat the President's Expenditure Head in protest of the President Sirisena's action against the UNP. 

The idea, however, has not elicited a positive response from the Cabinet ministers of the UNP. 

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