“Dr. Padeniya’s second child was delivered by this Dr. Shafi”

Ceylon M

(CeylonMuslim) Dr. Shafi Shihabdeen addressing media for the first time since his controversial arrest, said that expectant mothers who levelled charges against him have now sought his forgiveness.

“Some mothers, during their caesarean surgery have asked for my forgiveness, saying that they had lodged complaints against me,” Dr. Shihabdeen said.

Following a misleading newspaper report published in 2019, Dr. Shihabdeen who was serving at the Kurunegala Teaching Hospital, was arrested over the alleged sterilization of women without their consent.

He recalled that during his imprisonment Dr. Shihabdeen shared a cell with infamous drug kingpin Makandure Madush. “I shared meals with him, and slept beside him. The humanity I saw in him, I don’t see in those Parliamentarians who are dressed in white,” he said.

Dr. Shihabdeen went on to divulge some details of his harrowing experience for the first time, stating that some members of his own profession let him down, naming the former President of the Government Medical Officers’ Association (GMOA) Dr. Anurudda Padeniya as one of them.

“In any profession, there are individuals who will do anything if it benefits them. Honestly, this character called Padeniya was the President of the GMOA at the time and remained silent on this issue. However that may be, I’d like to reveal that his second child was delivered by this Dr. Shafi,” he said.

“The medical profession is likened to divnity by the common man, but that same profession was used to deliver me to the demons. We don’t need a generation like this, we don’t need these bad memories. Let’s get together to develop a spiritually rich country,” he added. 

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